2024-25 Graduate Catalog 
    Dec 26, 2024  
2024-25 Graduate Catalog
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EDL 618 - Human Resource, Personnel and Contracts

Examines foundational concepts of human resource, personnel, and contract for human resource practitioners. Explores policy and best practices in human resource administration in K-12 school settings. (3 cr. hr.)
Frequency code B = offered at least once per year

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Accurately list the current best practices for selecting and retaining highly effective staff, and provide frameworks for supporting new or struggling staff.

2.  Critically review existing contracts, develop strategies to effect changes through negotiation, and articulate rationales for the changes.

3. Demonstrate the ability to provide positive, productive, and ethical communication with labor unions.

4. Illustrate the steps to conducting a thorough investigation into allegations against staff, make determinations based on 3020a (certificated employees) and Section 75 (Civil Service) laws and write meaningful counseling memos.

5. Describe the process for making ethical and legal tenure recommendations, and demonstrate their comprehension of the tenure denial process.

6. Explain the importance of meeting contractual timelines, the process of conducting a grievance meeting and will write an effective grievance response.

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