Feb 07, 2025
AED 442 - Methods I: Teaching the Sciences in the Middle and Secondary Schools (GLY) The course examines history and foundations of education, especially science education; explores disciplinary models and their application to classroom management; examines tools for measurement and evaluation of performance and achievement of diverse learners; develops criteria for curriculum development and lesson planning aligned with state and national standards; examines federal and state laws governing education of students with disabilities; develops strategies for collaborating with administrators, faculty, staff, parents/guardians, and community members. Includes 25 hours of field experience in middle or secondary schools. Open only to majors who have been formally admitted to adolescence education: biology, chemistry, earth science or physics. Prerequisites: PSY 232 and AED 391. (3 cr. hr.) Frequency code S = offered in spring
Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Examine the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards as they apply to curriculum development.
- Design lessons aligned with state standards and develop formative and summative assessments to measure learning outcomes of diverse learners.
- Complete 25 hours of early fieldwork in a local science classroom accompanied by a weekly reflection on aspects of the experience that includes but is not limited to culture and climate of the school/classroom; depth and breadth of curriculum; instructional and motivational strategies; and student performance, attitude, and behavior.
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