This major in the Political Science Department examines the broad range of concerns surrounding people and the power of government; it provides a strong grounding in American government, comparative/international politics and political theory.
Political science majors are expected to complete a core curriculum covering the basics of U.S. and world politics, research techniques and political theory. In addition, students are expected to explore the different fields of political science through upper division course work. Finally, all students must complete a capstone course either through a seminar or internship experience.
Students seeking to earn the B.A. in political science at SUNY Cortland plus a master's degree in public administration at Binghamton University are required to earn their 120 credit-hour B.A. in seven semesters. In the seventh semester, accepted students will take undergraduate courses at SUNY Cortland and graduate courses at Binghamton University. The first six credits earned at Binghamton will, when combined with a minimum of 114 undergraduate credit hours at Cortland, serve to complete the undergraduate degree. All degree requirements in the student's Cortland catalog apply to the B.A. This program allows motivated students to complete both their undergraduate and graduate degrees within one five-year time span.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Develop substantive knowledge in the field of political science.
- Prepare students for subsequent education, professional careers and citizenship.
- Develop the analytical, research, writing and presentation skills of political science majors.
- Engage in service, leadership and experiential learning activities.
Program Standard Grade Point Average Requirement
The major GPA is calculated by all courses identified in the college catalog as required for the major. In addition, this program has an established program standard GPA which may be used to determine progress in the program.
- Program Standard GPA
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 in POL courses

- Political Science Major Requirements
- 36 credits in POL courses