AED 443 - Methods II: Teaching the Sciences in the Middle and Secondary Schools (PHY) Introduction to aspects of teaching laboratory-based science to a diverse population of students through the development of a course syllabus, a comprehensive plan for laboratory safety, and lesson/unit plans that incorporate technology and align with state and national learning standards and state science core curriculum guides.
The course will conclude with a discussion of the importance of continued self-reflection and professional growth and development. Twenty-five hours of field experience in middle and secondary schools, with 15 of the twenty-five hours devoted to working with students with disabilities. Prerequisite: AED 442; corequisites: AED 444 and SPE 275. (3 cr. hr.) Frequency code F = offered in fall
Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Prepare a comprehensive laboratory safety portfolio that includes federal, state, and local regulations for the secondary school science classroom and laboratory.
- Develop an integrated unit of instruction on energy resources, environmental conservation, and climate change and align the student learning outcomes with the New York State p-12 Science Learning Standards.
- Plan and implement at least two science demonstrations and an inquiry-based lesson to peers.
- Complete 25 hours of early fieldwork in a local science classroom and submit written reflections on aspects of the experience that includes but is not limited to culture and climate of the school/classroom; depth and breadth of curriculum; instructional and motivational strategies; student performance, attitude, and behavior, etc.
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