2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog

Centers and Institutes

Center for Ethics, Peace and Social Justice

Mecke Nagel, director
Old Main, Room 140

The Center is an initiative of the Philosophy Department.


  • To become a regional center for the study and application of philosophical principles to every aspect of life.


  • Research and teach in the areas of ethics, peace and social justice.
  • Hold conferences and colloquia to explore urgent social issues.
  • House visiting scholars from the wider community.
  • Host the annual Summer Ethics Institute to help faculty gain competence in discussing critical ethical issues with students across a range of disciplines.
  • Disseminate the work of the Center through a number of publishing initiatives.

Groups and Programs

Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies (CGIS)

Bekeh Ukelina, director
Old Main, Room 122


  • Foster and develop equity and respect for social, racial, ethnic, cultural, economic, sexual orientation, gender, and environmental justice and diversity within the campus and larger community.
  • Educate about systems of oppression and discrimination, and strives to enable mutual respect and understanding of cultures and underrepresented groups.
  • Focus on the development of diversity across the curriculum, the promotion of research, the facilitation of student and faculty development, and the recommendation of policy.


  • Support and invigorate interdisciplinary minors in Asian/Middle Eastern Studies, Latino and Latin American Studies, Native American Studies and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies and courses addressing issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. Africana Studies is an autonomous multidisciplinary department that has a functional relationship to the center by promoting intercultural and gender studies through its curriculum, majors, minors and co-curricular activities.
  • Foster and support scholarship, research and publications that promote campus cultural diversity.
  • Promote and support scholarship and research on diversity, including race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion and age.
  • Work in tandem with the Institutional Equity and Inclusion Office and the Multicultural Life and Diversity Office to build a multicultural campus and improve the climate for all students.
  • Work with academic departments as well as the Research and Sponsored Programs Office and the Faculty Development Center to promote inclusive scholarship and research.
  • Organize scholarly conferences on issues of social and environmental justice.

Groups and Programs

Africana Studies

The African American Studies majors and minor are administered by the Africana Studies Department .

Asian/Middle Eastern Studies

The Asian/Middle Eastern studies minor is an interdisciplinary program designed to serve the needs of students majoring in any subject area who desire more knowledge regarding Asia, Middle Eastern and Asian American concerns. Administration of the Asian/Middle Eastern Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies. For additional information go to Asian/Middle Eastern Studies Interdisciplinary Minor .

Jewish Studies

Jewish Studies is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the study of the Jewish people — their religion, history, literature and culture. The program seeks to enhance the student's understanding of the Jewish people and the variety of their cultural experiences while also furthering the university's mission to study and combat prejudice and discrimination. Coursework is designed to complement a number of academic majors. Administration and advisement for this program are conducted by the Jewish Studies Committee. 

Latino, Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies (LLACS) offers an interdisciplinary minor that focuses on the Latin American and Caribbean culture regions, including Latino and Caribbean-descent populations in the United States. LLACS draws on the social sciences and humanities to promote greater understanding and appreciation of Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean cultures, histories, social issues, experiences and landscapes. Administration of the Latino and Latin American Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the Latin Studies Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies. For additional information go to Latino and Latin American Studies Interdisciplinary Minor .

Native American Studies

The most recent interdisciplinary and multicultural studies program to be developed at SUNY Cortland, Native American Studies offers a minor designed to complement many academic majors. Students choosing this minor will study Native American cultures from the perspectives offered by several disciplines. Administration of the Native American Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the coordinator and the Native American Studies Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies.  For additional information go to Native American Studies Interdisciplinary Program .

Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

The study of women, their challenges and their experiences was introduced in 1988 to the SUNY Cortland curriculum. With interdisciplinary courses in such areas as Africana studies, English, health and sociology, the Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies minor is designed to complement all academic majors. Administration of the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the Women's Studies Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies. For additional information go to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Interdisciplinary Minor .

Center for Speech and Hearing Disorders

The Center is an initiative of the Communication Disorders and Sciences Department .


  • Provides evaluation and therapy services free of charge to children and adults with a variety of speech, language and hearing delays or disorders.
  • Serves as a clinical training site for graduate students in the Communication Disorders and Sciences Department.

James M. Clark Center for Global Engagement

Alexandru Balas, director
Old Main, Room 110
Sue Pettitt, administrative assistant
Old Main, Room 122
Clark Center website


  • Provide leadership for internationalization at SUNY Cortland.
  • Foster cross-cultural understanding and global awareness through the coordination and support of international scholarship, curricular development, programs, projects, and dialogues.


  • Help develop and enhance the university's existing curricular offerings and programs with an international focus. 
  • Maintain best practices and mentoring for the development, organization, management, and funding of international initiatives. 
  • Coordinate dialogue and collaboration among departments and groups that promote internationalization, including the International Programs Office, the Modern Languages Department, the Project for Eastern and Central Europe, the Trans-Africa Project and other departments and groups that promote SUNY Cortland's international mission.
  • Provide feedback on international program development.
  • Promote scholarship and grant development related to internationalization. 
  • Work with faculty and staff to encourage and facilitate faculty and staff exchanges, visiting international faculty and research, teaching and service abroad by SUNY Cortland faculty.
  • Work with the Admissions Office and the Enrollment Management and Marketing Office to attract students involved in the university's international course offerings and programs.
  • Work with offices across campus to support international students in their academic and co-curricular experiences.
  • Initiate, promote and coordinate international events and activities of interest to the campus as well as to Cortland and the surrounding community.
  • Engage with the whole Cortland campus, the broader community, the SUNY system and other outside bodies to further internationalize the campus and provide support for international academic initiatives.
  • Work with the International Programs Office to train and support international advocates — departmental representatives who serve as liaisons for the Clark Center and International Programs Office.

Groups and Programs

The International Studies Program

The International Studies Interdisciplinary Degree Program  is an interdisciplinary major in which students study the modern world as a whole rather than any one country or society within it. The program has special appeal for students interested in foreign languages, study abroad and global studies. For more information, visit the International Studies Program website.

International Programs Office

The International Programs Office administers SUNY Cortland's many study abroad programs and provides support to all incoming international students, scholars and staff. For more information, refer to the Study Abroad/International Programs  section of the catalog or visit the Study Abroad Programs website.

Modern Languages Department

This department offers opportunities for the study of foreign languages, foreign literatures and foreign cultures. Liberal arts majors in Spanish and Teaching English as a Second Language are administered through this department; a minor in Spanish is also offered. Students who incorporate education courses into their programs may qualify for professional certification as teachers in Adolescence Spanish. The department also offers courses in French, German and Italian and participates in interdisciplinary programs in cinema study and international studies. For more information, visit the Modern Languages Department website.

The Project for Eastern and Central Europe (PECE)

The Project for Eastern and Central Europe fosters and develops affiliations and working relationships between SUNY Cortland and universities in Eastern and Central Europe. PECE sponsors conferences for this purpose as well as student and faculty exchanges. PECE is dedicated to fostering shared knowledge, cooperation and mutual understanding among the peoples of Eastern and Central Europe and those in the United States.

The Trans-Africa Project

The Trans-Africa Project (TAP) fosters and develops affiliations and working relationships between SUNY Cortland and universities in Africa. TAP sponsors conferences for this purpose as well as student and faculty exchanges. TAP is dedicated to fostering shared knowledge, intellectual and cultural cooperation and mutual understanding among the peoples of Africa and those in the United States and the African Diaspora.

International Awareness Club

Open to all Cortland students, the purpose of the club is to provide a link between American students and those from other countries. Travel, activities and programs sponsored by the club foster an atmosphere in which students from other countries can learn about American life and culture while American students learn about the life and culture of the other countries. For more information, visit the International Awareness Club Web page.

International Advocates

These representatives from academic departments serve as liaisons between their departments and the Clark Center and the International Programs Office. Through workshops and information from the Clark Center and the International Programs Office, international advocates develop specialized knowledge about internationalization initiatives and opportunities, and they advise department members about these activities and options.

They promote study abroad opportunities relevant to their department's programs, provide resources and advice to department faculty and students, work with international students in the department and serve as the International Programs Office contact person for such students. They also serve as spokespersons/advocates for Clark Center or other campus initiatives that provide faculty with opportunities for internationalization activities, conveying information at department meetings and/or through email. Generally, each department has one advocate who serves a three-year term.

Other Participating Units

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Committee
Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies
Academic Departments and Deans' Offices

Institute for Civic Engagement

John Suarez, director
Moffett Center, Room 102


  • To serve as a resource for students, faculty, staff and community partners by promoting the development of mutually beneficial "learning by doing" opportunities.


  • Conduct classroom visits with activities to recognize the academic, professional and personal benefits of volunteering; explain benefits of taking applied learning academic courses; practice active listening skills to improve communication effectiveness.
  • Host campus/community events that explore current issues.
  • Provide opportunities for students to design and conduct civic engagement projects.
  • Promote voter-related activities for registration, education and mobilization.
  • Provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.

Groups and Programs

William H. Parks Family Center for Environmental and Outdoor Education

Rhonda Pitoniak, director
Professional Studies Building, Room 1131
Center webpage


  • To promote campus-wide awareness and commitment to environmental outdoor education while also managing the university's outdoor/environmental facilities.


  • Maintains facilities at Brauer Field Station, Hoxie Gorge and Raquette Lake (including Antlers, Camp Huntington and Kirby Camp).
  • Administers interdisciplinary environmental studies minor and areas of concentration.

Groups and Programs