2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 11, 2025  
2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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ANT 412 - Advanced Forensic Anthropology

In-depth look at the role of the forensic anthropologist in medico-legal investigations, emphasizing human skeletal analysis. Acquire practical experience in human osteology, constructing the biological profile, individuation and field recovery methods. Culminating project involves conducting an excavation/recovery at one of SUNY Cortland's outdoor facilities. Prerequisite: ANT 206 or CRM 206. Also listed as CRM 412. Fulfills: LASR. Notes: Required Saturday meeting at Cortland's Outdoor Education Center in Hoxie Gorge. (3 cr. hr.)
Frequency code C = offered at least once every two years

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Identify features of the human skeletal system relevant to forensic anthropological analysis.
2. Apply current methods used to establish the biological profile for an unidentified decedent.
3. Conduct, as part of a team, a field recovery operation, including locating, excavating, and documenting a clandestine grave.
4. Complete a forensic anthropological analysis of human skeletal remains.

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