2014-15 Graduate Catalog 
    Mar 10, 2025  
2014-15 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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LIT 682 - Assessment and Instruction of Learners Experiencing Literacy Difficulties

(A) Examines the theory and research surrounding issues involved in literacy acquisition and development difficulties with B-12 learners. Candidates learn to use a variety of assessment tools to understand why B-12 learners are experiencing difficulty in literacy acquisition and development, analyze assessment data to plan a program for assisting b-12 learners in their literacy development,and utilize appropriate curriculum materials and instructional techniques. Co-requisites: Either LIT 683 (B-6); or LIT 684 (5-12). (3 cr. hr.)

Frequency code A = offered every semester
Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.

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