2014-15 Graduate Catalog 
    Dec 21, 2024  
2014-15 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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HIS 550 - Issues in Early-American History

(C) Major issues in early-American history from European/Indian contact to Jacksonian America. Discussion of teaching strategies for these topics. Senior status for undergraduate history, adolescence education: social studies and childhood education/ history majors; M.A. in history, M.S.Ed. in adolescence education: social studies programs, M.S.Ed. in childhood education. Note: Prerequisites for all history courses at the 600 level are 12 credit hours in history above the 200 level or consent of the department. (3 cr. hr.)

Frequency code C = offered at least once every two years
Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.

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