2014-15 Graduate Catalog 
    Mar 10, 2025  
2014-15 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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EXS 612 - Advanced Statistical Applications in Exercise Science

(C) Advanced statistics with application to exercise science. Content includes a review of basic descriptive and inferential statistics, plus coverage of multiple-factor and repeated measures ANOVA, post-hoc tests, multivariate analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, multiple regression, canonical analysis and factor analysis. Computerized statistical analyses are embedded throughout the course. Prerequisite: EXS 201 or MAT 201 or PSY 201 or COM 230 or ECO 221 or HLH 299 or PED 434 or equivalent. (3 cr. hr.)

Frequency code C = offered at least once every two years
Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.

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