2016-17 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Kinesiology Department

Philip Buckenmeyer, chair
Peter McGinnis, graduate coordinator
Professional Studies Building, Room 1164
Fax: 607-753-5596

School of Professional Studies


Jeffrey Bauer, Timothy Bryant, Philip Buckenmeyer, Sonya Comins, Kevin Dames, Alyson Dearie, Patrick Donnelly, Trisha Donnelly, Ryan Fiddler, Lacy Gunn, James Hokanson, Wendy Hurley, Thomas Koesterer, Yomee Lee, Erik Lind, Peter McGinnis, Steven Meyer, Katherine Polasek, Susan Rayl, Brian Richardson, Mark Sutherlin, Larissa True, Deborah Van Langen, Amanda Williams

Adjunct Faculty

For a listing of adjunct faculty see the Faculty and Administration  section of this catalog.

Degrees and Admission Requirements

This M.S. program is designed to provide you with an in-depth study of the scientific aspects of exercise science and sport. It is intended to prepare you for careers or further graduate study in exercise and sport research and also in fitness, wellness and associated industries. The program is designed to be completed in two years.

Master of Science in Exercise Science  




  • ATR 521 - Contemporary Issues in Athletic Training

    Contemporary issues regarding the practice of athletic training will be investigated. Emphasis will be placed on the needs of coaches and athletic personnel who deal with athletes. Additional consideration also will be concerned with the prevention, risk management and the identification and treatment of sport-related injury and illness. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 522 - Sport in Contemporary Society

    Study of sport from social perspective, investigating the interrelationship of sport to other institutions. Course offers opportunity for critical review of literature in area of sport in society. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 525 - Seminar in Exercise Science

    Forum for discussing current research in the field of exercise science. The course provides students with integrated background in exercise science and prepares them to read, discuss and evaluate current research in exercise science. S, U grades assigned. (1 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • EXS 529 - Special Topics in Exercise Science

    Selected Topics: May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 535 - Neuromuscular Fitness Assessment and Programming

    Basic understanding of muscle structure, function and physiology as it applies to strength and power. Review of types of strength training programs and techniques for developing goal-specific programs will be included. Lectures and laboratory. Not open to students having credit for EXS 435. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code F = offered in fall
  • EXS 538 - Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Assessment and Programming

    Integration of cardiorespiratory physiological concepts into the assessment of an individual’s aerobic capacity and the application of these data in designing an effective aerobic exercise program. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines will be followed. Not open to students having credit for EXS 438. Lectures and laboratory. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • EXS 549 - Advanced Motor Behavior

    Advanced coverage of motor behavior topics including: the learning process, human information processing, central contributions of motor control, attention and performance, skill acquisition practice considerations, and current issues in motor behavior with research implications. Prerequisite: EXS 297 or equivalent. Not open to students with credit for EXS 449. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 551 - Philosophy of Sports and Physical Education

    Background, development of modern physical education; formulation of scientific principles which foster biological, sociological and psychological benefits of physical education. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 555 - Advanced Exercise Physiology

    Physiological adaptations, mechanisms of change of function taking place as result of physical exercise. Physiological factors influencing human performance; environmental factors of altitude, space, temperature extremes; drugs and doping; age and gender; related problems in sport medicine. Prior knowledge of exercise physiology is expected. Not open to students with credit for EXS 465. Prerequisite: EXS 397 or equivalent. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 558 - Physiological Principles of Conditioning for Sports

    Application of physiological principles to development of specific conditioning components. Analysis of research implications and critical evaluation of current practices emphasized. Prerequisites: EXS 397. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 565 - Perceptual Motor Development

    Developmental processes from prenatal period to adolescence, with emphasis for elementary physical education. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 575 - Nutritional Aspects of Physical Fitness and Athletic Performance

    Application of metabolic and nutritional principles to performance patterns of athletes and individuals desiring to increase their physical fitness capacity. Includes role of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water in exercise. Effects of dietary manipulation, fad diets, body composition and ergogenic aids will be investigated. Prerequisite: EXS 397 or consent of instructor. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 587 - Advanced Biomechanics

    Application of fundamental laws of physics. Techniques of physical activities, sports in terms of mechanical principles. Available research reviewed. Prior knowledge of biomechanics is expected. Not open to students with credit for EXS 487. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 602 - Research Project

    Guidance and direction in conducting an individual research project. Prerequisite: PED 611, consent of advisor. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring; M = offered in summer
  • EXS 612 - Advanced Statistical Applications in Exercise Science

    Advanced statistics with application to exercise science. Content includes a review of basic descriptive and inferential statistics, plus coverage of multiple-factor and repeated measures ANOVA, post-hoc tests, multivariate analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, multiple regression, canonical analysis and factor analysis. Computerized statistical analyses are embedded throughout the course. Prerequisite: EXS 201 or MAT 201 or PSY 201 or COM 230 or ECO 221 or HLH 299 or PED 434 or equivalent. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code C = offered at least once every two years
  • EXS 620 - History of Sport and Physical Education

    Examination of effect selected societies had upon sport and/or physical education from beginning of Western Civilization. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 629 - Special Topics in Exercise Science

    Selected Topics: May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 646 - Behavior in Sport

    Study psychological factors which influence behavior of men and women as they participate in physical activity and sport. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 649 - Motor Learning

    Critical scholarly examination of individual's acquisition of skill in sports. Extensive review of motor learning; research related to skill learning. Application of theoretical areas. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • EXS 650 - Master's Thesis

    Develop research proposal, conduct research, write thesis and orally defend thesis. May be repeated for unlimited credit but only a maximum of six credit hours may count towards the 30 credit hours required for the degree. Prerequisite: Candidacy and consent of department. S and U grades assigned. (1-6 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester; M = offered in summer
  • EXS 667 - Advanced Exercise Psychology

    Study of psychological determinants and consequences of physical activity behaviors across the lifespan. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code C = offered at least once every two years
  • EXS 690 - Comprehensive Exam in Exercise Science

    Preparation for and administration of the written comprehensive exam in exercise science. The comprehensive exam covers the four core content areas of exercise science: biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor behavior and sport/exercise psychology. Prerequisites: All other degree requirements must be completed or in progress. S, U grades assigned. (1 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • EXS 697 - Extension of Graduate Culminating Activity

    This course is designed to serve as a continuation/extension of the culminating activity (i.e., thesis, comprehensive exam, and project) in the master's program. The student will continue to work toward meeting the necessary criteria for completing the culminating activity under the direction of department faculty and/or graduate advisor. S, U grades assigned. Permission of department. Repeatable. (1 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
