2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Nov 06, 2024  
2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Geology Department

David Barclay, chair
Bowers Hall, Room 144
Fax: 607-753-4973
Email: Haley Zurell

School of Arts and Sciences

Students knee-deep in a stream


David Barclay, Julie Barclay, Robert Darling, Gayle Gleason, Li Jin, Christopher McRoberts

Adjunct Faculty

For a listing of adjunct faculty see the Faculty and Administration  section.

Degrees and Minors

Bachelor of Arts in Geology
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Bachelor of Science in Adolescence Education: Earth Science (7-12)
Minor in Geology

Concentration Offered

Environmental Science


Students who major in geology may earn a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science. They may complete a program of traditional geology courses, choose to concentrate in environmental science, or combine courses in the major leading to qualification for initial certification as secondary school teachers of earth science. Depending on the major or concentration, geology graduates choose to either begin master's level graduate studies or find employment as geologists, hydrogeologists or earth science teachers in grades 7-12.

Special Features

  • Opportunities for research
  • Geology Club
  • Internships
  • Fossil, mineral, and rock collections
  • Field trips
  • Brauer Education Center
  • Hoxie Gorge Nature Preserve
  • Field and analytical instrumentation


  1. Degree requirements  listed in this catalog apply to the majors offered by this department.
  2. Liberal Arts Requirements: B.A. – 90 credit hours; B.S. – 60 credit hours





  • AED 391 - Introduction to Adolescence Education (GLY)

    Students will develop a coherent and comprehensive personal educational philosophy; analyze the role of education and teachers in society; demonstrate an understanding of teacher certification standards and requirements; evaluate teaching, lesson planning and implementation and cooperative skills; and develop a portfolio. The course includes 25 hours of field observation/teaching experience. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • AED 442 - Methods I: Teaching the Sciences in the Middle and Secondary Schools (GLY)

    The course examines history and foundations of education, especially science education; explores disciplinary models and their application to classroom management; examines tools for measurement and evaluation of performance and achievement of diverse learners; develops criteria for curriculum development and lesson planning aligned with state and national standards; examines federal and state laws governing education of students with disabilities; develops strategies for collaborating with administrators, faculty, staff, parents/guardians, and community members. Includes 25 hours of field experience in middle or secondary schools. Open only to majors who have been formally admitted to adolescence education: biology, chemistry, earth science or physics. Prerequisites: PSY 232 and AED 391. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • AED 443 - Methods II: Teaching the Sciences in the Middle and Secondary Schools (GLY)

    Introduction to aspects of teaching laboratory-based science to a diverse population of students through the development of a course syllabus, a comprehensive plan for laboratory safety, and lesson/unit plans that incorporate technology and align with state and national learning standards and state science core curriculum guides.

    The course will conclude with a discussion of the importance of continued self-reflection and professional growth and development. Twenty-five hours of field experience in middle and secondary schools, with 15 of the twenty-five hours devoted to working with students with disabilities. Prerequisite: AED 442; corequisites: AED 444 and SPE 275. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code F = offered in fall

  • AED 444 - Laboratory Practicum (GLY)

    Opportunity to work with an experienced teacher in the planning, preparation and implementation of laboratory exercises in an introductory, college-level lab course through one-on-one and small group activities. Fulfills 25 hours of field experience requirement. Corequisite: AED 443. (1 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • AED 445 - Student Teaching: Adolescence Education - Science (GLY)

    Full-time supervised student teaching in two public school placements: one, eight-week placement at the seventh or eighth grade level and one, eight-week placement at the ninth, tenth, eleventh or twelfth grade level. A discipline-specific student teaching seminar is held on campus once during the semester. Prerequisites: PSY 232; AED 443 and 444. See major department for eligibility criteria. Grading: S, U grades are assigned. (12 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 118 - Laboratory in Earth Science

    Identification and classification of common geologic materials; use, compilation and interpretation of topographic and weather maps; demonstrations, computations and problem solving. Two-hour session weekly. Fulfills education program laboratory requirement. Prerequisite: Concurrent or following a nonlaboratory introductory earth science/geology course. (1 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 129 - Special Topics in Geology

    Selected topics. May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 160 - Environmental Geology

    Integrated study of physical resources, processes of land, ocean, atmosphere, in terms of man-environment relationship. Not open to geology majors or those having credit for GLY 171 or 261. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three one-hour lectures and/or demonstrations. Fulfills: GE 2; LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 171 - Earth Science

    Basic concepts and principles of geology, meteorology and oceanography. Not open to geography, mathematics or science majors or to students with credit for GLY 160 or 261. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Fulfills: GE 2; LASR. (4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 172 - Earth History

    Origin and historical development of the Earth and life based on geologic and paleontologic evidence. Not open to students with credit for GLY 262 or majors in geography, mathematics or science. Prerequisite: GLY 171. Fulfills: GE 2; LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 229 - Special Topics in Geology

    Selected topics. May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 261 - Physical Geology

    Principles of physical geology. Earth materials, intracrustal forces and products, agents of gradation and their physiographic expression. Laboratory study includes minerals, rocks, topographic and geologic maps, simple geologic structures. Primarily for science, math and geography majors. Not open to students with credit for GLY 160 or 171. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three lectures, one three-hour laboratory, field trips. Fulfills: GE 2; LASR. (4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 262 - Historical Geology

    Study of the changes of Earth and life through geologic time. Evolution of the continents, ocean basins and major life forms throughout Earth's history with an emphasis on stratigraphic and fossil record. Not open to students with credit for GLY 172. Prerequisite: GLY 261. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three lectures, one three-hour laboratory, student presentations, required field trip. Fulfills: GE 2; LASR; PRES. (4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • GLY 281 - Data Analysis in Natural Science

    Analysis and interpretation of geologic and biologic data using modern quantitative techniques with discipline-specific applications. Basis methodologies and interpretation of descriptive, comparative and classificatory statistics. Topics include sampling, probability, univariate and bivariate analysis. Lecture/Lab Hours: Two one-hour lectures, one two-hour laboratory. Not open to students with credit for MAT/PSY 201, ECO 221 or COM 230. Fulfills GE 1; LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code F = offered in fall
  • GLY 301 - Mineralogy

    Principles of physical and optical crystallography and crystal chemistry; descriptive mineralogy; identification of minerals using physical, chemical and optical methods. Prerequisite: GLY 261, CHE 221. GLY 301 and CHE 221 may be taken concurrently. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three lecture hours and a three-hour laboratory; required all-day field trip. Fulfills: LASR. (4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code F = offered in fall
  • GLY 302 - Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

    Petrogenesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks; description, classification and interpretation based on hand specimens and thin-section. Prerequisite: GLY 301. Lecture/Lab Hours: Two lecture hours and a three-hour laboratory; required all-day field trip. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • GLY 329 - Special Topics in Geology

    Selected topics. May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 359 - Sedimentary Geology

    Geology of sedimentary rocks, sedimentary processes and stratigraphic principles, including sedimentary petrology, depositional processes, facies analyses and stratigraphic relationships at various temporal and spatial scales. Prerequisites: GLY 262 and GLY 301. Lecture/Lab Hours: Required laboratory and field trips. Fulfills: LASR. (4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • GLY 363 - Invertebrate Paleontology

    Important invertebrates in fossil record. Laboratory study of morphology, identification and preparation procedures. Two lectures, one three-hour laboratory, required field trip. Prerequisite: GLY 172 or 262. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • GLY 367 - Geomorphology

    Processes of glaciers, rivers, mass wasting, wind and weathering, and their resulting landforms. Methods of geomorphic analysis and the evolution of landscapes. Prerequisite: GLY 261. Lecture/Lab Hours: Two lectures, one three-hour laboratory, field trips. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code F = offered in fall
  • GLY 371 - Meteorology

    Atmospheric processes, weather and climate. Application to weather forecasting, severe weather phenomena, atmospheric pollution and global climate change. Prerequisite: Six credit hours of mathematics or science. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three lectures, one three-hour laboratory. Fulfills: LASR. (4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • GLY 390 - Hydrogeology

    Examination of the source, distribution, movement and disturbance of surface, vadose zone and groundwater in a geologic and environmental context. Prerequisite: GLY 261. Lecture/Lab Hours: Two lectures, one three-hour laboratory, field trips. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code F = offered in fall
  • GLY 396 - Aqueous Geochemistry

    Detection, analysis, distribution, significance of chemical elements in soils, rocks, water, organic matter. Prerequisites: GLY 301 and CHE 221, 222. Lecture/Lab Hours: Two one-hour lectures, one three-hour laboratory. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • GLY 397 - Physical Oceanography

    Physical features of the ocean; origin of ocean basins; waves; currents and tides; shoreline processes; ocean sediments; effect on world climates and environmental problems. Prerequisites: Six credit hours of mathematics or science. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three lecture hours per week. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • GLY 400 - Supplemental Field Studies

    Extended field study or field trips designed to complement classroom instruction. May be repeated as subtitle changes. Prerequisite: Consent of department. Grading: H, S, U grades are assigned. (1-3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 429 - Special Topics in Geology

    Selected topics. May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 430 - Field Hydrology

    Methods used in the characterization of the quantity, quality and flow characteristics of surface, vadose zone and groundwater. Field projects with local streams, wetlands and aquifers, and field trips to active research sites in the Catskill and Adirondack region. Prerequisites: GLY 261 and junior status or permission of instructor. (2-3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code M = offered in summer
  • GLY 469 - Structural Geology

    Deformation of rocks and the resulting structures, including stress and strain, faults, folds and rock fabrics. Two lectures, one three-hour laboratory. One required field trip. Prerequisite: GLY 301. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code S = offered in spring
  • GLY 471 - Stratigraphy

    Principles of correlation, nomenclature, facies interpretation, classification of sedimentary rock units. Laboratory methods of facies and correlation analysis. Prerequisites: GLY 262 and GLY 302. Lecture/Lab Hours: Two lectures, one three-hour laboratory, required weekend field trip. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code F = offered in fall
  • GLY 476 - Geologic Field Methods

    Instruments and methods of basic geologic fieldwork: measurement and description of stratigraphic sections; use of survey instrumentation and GPS; elementary bedrock mapping. Compilation of stratigraphic sections, geologic maps and structure sections. Taught at the Brauer Field Station beginning in late May for three weeks. Prerequisite: GLY 359. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code M = offered in summer
  • GLY 481 - Field Geology

    Intensive study of field methods and techniques; elementary and detailed areal geology mapping. Compilation of stratigraphic sections, geologic maps and structure sections. Offered summers at the Brauer Field Station beginning in late May. Can be taken as a four-week course for four credit hours or as a five-week course for five or six credit hours. Prerequisites: GLY 302, GLY 359, GLY 469, junior standing. Fulfills: LASR. (4-6 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code M = offered in summer
  • GLY 487 - Internship in Applied Geology

    A project-oriented internship with a government agency, industry, or other private or public enterprise, supervised application of geologic skills and knowledge. Prerequisites: Consent of department. (3-12 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 494 - Geology Laboratory Experience

    Service as assistant in laboratory sections of a geology course. Includes meetings with course instructor, advanced preparation for lab meetings, weekly attendance in the laboratory section while serving as instructional assistant in laboratory activities. May be taken twice for credit. Can not be applied to any state teacher education requirement. Prerequisite: Permission of department. Grading: S, U grades are assigned. (1 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code A = offered every semester
  • GLY 497 - Research Experience in Geology

    Independent study and research experience by an individual student on a special topic under the direction of a faculty member. Course is designed to provide students with hands-on experience with a research project in geology. A prospectus for the work is required in advance of registration. May be taken up to four times for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of department. Grading: H, S, U grades are assigned. (1-3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code B = offered at least once per year
  • GLY 498 - Research Investigation in Geology

    Independent original research by an individual student on a special topic under the direction of a faculty member. At the end of the semester, student must present the findings in an oral or written format. A prospectus for the work is required in advance of registration. May be taken up to four times for credit. Prerequisite: Consent of department.  Grading: H, S, U grades are assigned. (1-3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code B = offered at least once per year
  • GLY 499 - Research Thesis in Geology

    Independent original research in the geological sciences, culminating in a substantial research paper to be written under the guidance of a geology faculty member. A prospectus for the thesis is required in advance of registration. Prerequisites: Nine credit hours of geology courses at the 300 level or above and consent of department. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code B = offered at least once per year
  • GLY 529 - Special Topics in Geology

    Selected topics. May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-4 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 550 - Geology of New York State

    Geologic history of New York State as interpreted from the rock record. Special emphasis on: Paleozoic stratigraphy and depositional environments; metamorphism, magmatism and deformation of the Adirondack and Hudson Highlands; Grenville, Taconic, Acadian, and Alleghanian orogenic events; Pleistocene continental glaciation. One all-day Saturday field trip required. Prerequisite: GLY 261 or equivalent. Lecture/Lab Hours: Seven-and-a-half lecture hours per week; four weeks. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code M = offered in summer
  • GLY 560 - Thermodynamics and Isotopes in Geology

    Application of selected chemical principles (thermodynamics, phase equilibria, light stable isotope systematics, radiometric dating techniques) in the study of geologic problems. Prerequisites: GLY 261; CHE 221 and CHE 222. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 563 - Advanced Studies in Paleontology

    Examination of paleontological theory through reading scientific papers and study of fossil specimens. Subtitles may include: Mass extinctions, paleoecology biostratigraphy. Prerequisite: GLY 363. Lecture/Lab Hours: One three-hour lecture and/or discussion. May be repeated as subtitle changes. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 570 - Plate Tectonics

    Examination of the theory of plate tectonics, including critique of refereed scientific papers. Topics include geometry and driving forces of plate motions, and the geological and geophysical implications. Prerequisites: GLY 261 and twelve credit hours of geology, biology, chemistry and/or physics at the 300 level or above. Lecture/Lab Hours: One three-hour lecture/discussion. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 573 - History of Geology

    Development, evolution of major concepts in geological sciences. Read peer-review scientific articles; class presentation, research paper. Prerequisite: GLY 261. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three lectures per week. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
  • GLY 576 - Glacial Geology

    Glacial processes, landforms and deposits; Quaternary chronologies and dating methods; analysis and interpretation of glacial sediments and sequences. Emphasis on glaciation of New York State. Prerequisite: GLY 261. Lecture/Lab Hours: One two-hour lecture, one two-hour laboratory, field trips. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code C = offered at least once every two years
  • GLY 579 - Climate Change

    The science of climate change. Emphasis on events, environments and climatic forcings over the past two million years. Prerequisites: GLY 261 and 12 cedit hours of natural science (geology, biology, chemistry or physics) at the 300 level or above. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code C = offered at least once every two years
  • GLY 581 - Advanced Field Geology

    Field investigations involving detailed geologic mapping and analysis of specific area(s) by an individual or small group; written report. Offered summers at the Brauer Education Center. Prerequisite: GLY 469. (3-8 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code M = offered in summer
  • GLY 595 - Geophysical Methods

    Principles and instrumentation of geophysical methods used to collect and interpret data from the Earth's interior. Prerequisites: GLY 261 and either PHY 105 and PHY 106, or PHY 201 and PHY 202. Lecture/Lab Hours: Two lectures, one three-hour laboratory. Also listed as PHY 595. (3 cr. hr.)
    Frequency code O = offered occasionally
