Follow your passion for making the world a better place. Help people learn how to live health-enhancing and productive lives by studying for the M.S.T. in health education at SUNY Cortland. Depending on your background and your personal and professional goals, you’ll select one of three paths to a degree and certification in health education.
Program Highlights
Track A (HEA_CRT)
Your initial teaching certificate in an area other than health education opens the door to Track A (HEA_CRT), where you’ll learn about assessment and evaluation, research methods and how to create health education curricula as you examine school health programs, family life education and human sexuality in discussions with your peers and our distinguished faculty. You’ll also have the option to investigate your own research problem, develop a master’s thesis or sit for a comprehensive examination as a culminating activity for the degree.
Track B (HEA_NCRT)
If you do not hold any initial teaching certificate, Track B (HEA_NCRT) offers the opportunity to explore teaching health education, curriculum construction, research methods, assessment, evaluation and school health programs, as well as family life education and human sexuality. In addition, you’ll gain field experience and pre-service student teaching opportunities, and can decide on a culminating activity that involves investigating a research problem of interest, creating a master’s thesis or sitting for a comprehensive examination.
Track C (HEA_PCRT)
Track C (HEA_PCRT) is for you if you are one of a select group of physical education students who hold an initial certificate and were accepted into the 4+1 health education M.S.T. program as an undergraduate student at SUNY Cortland. In addition to professional education and field experience courses, including curriculum construction, you’ll examine topics such as drug education for teachers, research methods, school health programs, family life education, human sexuality, and assessment and evaluation. You’ll also have the opportunity to undertake an investigation into a research problem, develop a master’s thesis or sit for a comprehensive examination.
Career Potential
With the M.S.T. in health education from SUNY Cortland, you’ll be well prepared to pursue certification for teaching in New York state or to work as a health educator for public and private agencies that help individuals and families create healthy and fulfilling lives. This degree also will provide the academic portion of professional certification in a second area if you are coming from a related teaching certification field.
Admission Requirements
In addition to meeting the requirements for admission to a graduate degree program, you should present the following for enrollment in the Master of Science in Teaching in Health Education program:
- Completion of an undergraduate bachelor’s degree
- A minimum undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 2.8
- Names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references.
- A copy of a current teaching certificate or documentation that certification requirements have been met.
Entry into the Health Department graduate programs is very competitive, with more eligible applicants than can be accommodated. The 2.8 cumulative undergraduate grade point average criterion is the minimal acceptable grade point average, but does not guarantee admission into a degree program.
Apply for the M.S.T. in health education.