2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Nov 23, 2024  
2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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HIS 280 - Introduction to Public History

Introduction to the methods and theories of public history with a focus on the particularities of communicating history to a broader public audience outside the traditional classroom, whether through museums, archives, historic preservation, heritage tourism, media, oral history or cultural resource management. Prerequisite: HIS 100 or 101 or 110 or 111 or 200 or 201. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.)
Frequency code A = offered every semester

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the significance of history to a wider public beyond academia.
  2. Describe the challenges of collaboration with community partners working on a public history project. 
  3. Identify potential career options that draw on the history major.

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