AED 391 - Introduction to Adolescence Education (CHE) Students will develop a coherent and comprehensive personal educational philosophy; analyze the role of education and teachers in society; demonstrate an understanding of teacher certification standards and requirements; evaluate teaching, lesson planning and implementation and cooperative skills; and develop a portfolio. The course includes 25 hours of field observation/teaching experience. Fulfills: LASR. (3 cr. hr.) Frequency code A = offered every semester
Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Analyze and discuss the impact of major historical developments in public education from 1850 to the present.
- Compare and contrast the tenets of eight educational philosophies and discuss how they have helped to shape public education as we experience it today.
- Examine nine models of classroom management and discipline and use them as the basis for developing a personal plan for classroom management and discipline.
- Complete 25 hours of early fieldwork in a local classroom and submit written reflection on aspects of the experience that includes but is not limited to culture and climate of the school/classroom; depth and breadth of curriculum; instructional and motivational strategies; student performance, attitude, and behavior, etc.
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