2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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EDU 491 - Student Teaching II

Second half of student teaching in early childhood and childhood education classrooms and participation in associated seminar. Supervised by college faculty. Prerequisites: Consent of department to verify required grade point average; all methodology courses leading up to student teaching with no grade lower than a C; no outstanding incomplete grades; and successful completion of CARR, SAVE and DASA workshops. Prerequisites: EDU 270, EDU 334, EDU 331, EDU 333, EDU 315, EDU 340, EDU 373, EDU 374, EDU 375, EDU 481, LIT 371, LIT 372, SPE 270. Corequisites: EDU 490 and EDU 492. (6 cr. hr.)
Frequency code A = offered every semester

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