2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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EDU 455 - Student Teaching Seminar in Physical Education

Current debates relevant to national, district and specific school issues will form the basis of each meeting. Information about student teaching, professional portfolio preparation and career planning will be provided.  Prerequisites: EXS 297, 387, 397, PED 201 (minimum grade of C-); EDU 255 (minimum grade of C-); EDU 256 (minimum grade of C-); EDU 355 (minimum grade of C-); EDU 454 (minimum grade of S); PED 356 (minimum grade of C-); PED 434 and PED 308; cumulative grade point average of 2.5; portfolio acceptance; all professional block courses leading up to student teaching with no grade lower than a C-. Corequisite: EDU 456. (.5 cr. hr.)
Frequency code A = offered every semester

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