2015-16 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2015-16 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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FSA 625 - Inclusive Curricular Pedagogy for Adolescents with Disabilities

Inclusive education pedagogy for students with disabilities at the secondary level, grades 7-12. Resource room, self-contained, inclusive classrooms and community-based instruction. Addresses a variety of instructional content, resources and strategies that respond to cultural, linguistic, gender and ability differences among secondary students. Includes 15 hours of practicum work in a secondary setting. Students registered for this course may not enroll concurrently in FSA 630. Prerequisite: FSA 515. Corequisite: FSA 615. (3 cr. hr.)
Frequency code B = offered at least once per year
Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.

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