2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 16, 2024  
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Interdisciplinary Centers

Center for Advancement of Technology in Education (CATE)


Old Main, Room 122
(607) 753-5784


Scott Anderson (Director)

Mission of the Center

The mission of the Center for Advancement of Technology in Education (CATE) is to promote and facilitate the integration of technology into the curriculum and to educate faculty and students in the theory and practice of current and emerging instructional technologies.

Functions of the Center

  • To serve as a faculty advocate and spokesperson for campus-wide information and technology initiatives.
  • To recommend priorities to the College with respect to technology and the College mission.
  • To assess information and technology needs of academic departments and make recommendations.
  • To promote discussion among faculty and professional staff regarding technology needs.
  • To promote discussion among faculty regarding standards for information and computer literacy.
  • To promote technology-related internships for SUNY Cortland undergraduates.
  • To participate in planning campus-wide information and technology professional development opportunities.

Career Information

SUNY Cortland offers an interdisciplinary minor in computer applications for students to develop skills and knowledge useful in professional development and the workplace. The minor is designed to complement any academic major and focuses on the development of technology applications within various academic disciplines. Students completing the minor will have been exposed to a variety of computers and software applications as tools in a variety of "real world" environments and will have had experiences in solving problems in their respective disciplines.

James M. Clark Center for International Education


Miller Building, Room B-16
(607) 753-2209

E-mail: studyabroad@cortland.edu


Stephen Burwood (Director)

Mission of the Center

The James M. Clark Center for International Education provides an integrated framework for the College's many international activities and programs. Its mission is to promote, coordinate and initiate programs and events which further international education within the campus environment and in the Cortland community.

The center reports to the provost. Its membership consists of various departments and units from throughout the College, which address different aspects of international study, scholarship and service.

Functions of the Center

  • Help develop and enhance the College's existing curricular offerings and programs with an international focus.
  • Work closely with the College's Study Abroad Program, the International Studies Program, the International Communications and Culture Department, the Project for Eastern and Central Europe, the Trans-Africa Project and other departments and groups that promote the College's international mission.
  • Develop new international programs for the College and funding proposals for that purpose.
  • Work with faculty and staff to encourage and facilitate faculty and staff exchanges, visiting international faculty and research, teaching and service abroad by SUNY Cortland faculty.
  • Work with the Admissions Office and the Enrollment Management Office to attract and retain students involved in the College's international course offerings and programs.
  • Assist the International Student Association and aid the international student advisor and the director of Whitaker Hall in enriching the educational experience of the College's international students.
  • Initiate, promote and coordinate international events and activities of interest to the campus as well as to Cortland and the surrounding community.
  • Work with the Office of International Programs at SUNY System Administration.

Study Abroad

The James M. Clark Center for International Education administers the College's many opportunities for study abroad. See that section of the catalog for further information.

The International Studies Program

The International Studies Program is an interdisciplinary major in which students study the modern world as a whole rather than any one country or society within it. The program has special appeal for students interested in foreign languages, study abroad and global studies. See that program for further information.

International Communications and Culture Department

This department offers opportunities for the study of foreign languages, foreign literatures and foreign cultures. Liberal arts majors and minors in French and Spanish are administered through this department. Students who incorporate education courses into their programs may qualify for professional certification as teachers. The department also offers courses in Arabic, Chinese and German, and participates in interdisciplinary programs in cinema study and international study.

The Project for Eastern and Central Europe (PECE)

The Project for Eastern and Central Europe fosters and develops affiliations and working relationships between SUNY Cortland and universities in Eastern and Central Europe. PECE sponsors conferences for this purpose as well as student and faculty exchanges. PECE is dedicated to fostering shared knowledge, cooperation and mutual understanding among the peoples of Eastern and Central Europe and those in the United States.

The Trans-Africa Project

The Trans-Africa Project (TAP) fosters and develops affiliations and working relationships between SUNY Cortland and universities in Africa. TAP sponsors conferences for this purpose as well as student and faculty exchanges. TAP is dedicated to fostering shared knowledge, intellectual and cultural cooperation and mutual understanding among the peoples of Africa and those in the United States and the African Diaspora.

Residential Services: Whitaker Hall

Whitaker Hall is a student residence hall containing a number of designated single and double rooms, many with a private bath. Whitaker Hall has a decidedly international atmosphere. Students from around the world live in Whitaker with American students. Preference is given to Cortland students who would like to live with a roommate from another country. World culture nights and evenings of global awareness featuring talks, games, music and food are a regular part of Whitaker's special programming. Through its satellite system, residents can view television programming from around the world.

Global Ambassadors (International Student Organization)

Open to all Cortland students, the purpose of the Global Ambassadors is to provide a link between American students and those from other countries. Travel, activities and programs sponsored by the club foster an atmosphere in which students from other countries can learn about American life and culture while American students learn about the life and culture of the other countries.

Ex Officio Members

Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences or designee
Dean of the School of Education or designee
Dean of the School of Professional Studies or designee
Assistant Vice President of Research and Sponsored Programs or designee

Other Participating Units

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Committee
Sport Management Department
Director of Graduate Studies

Center for Intercultural and Gender Studies


Old Main, Room 122
(607) 753-5784


Sheila Cohen (Interim Director)

Mission of the Center

The Center for Intercultural and Gender Studies (CICGS) promotes cultural competence through curriculum development, scholarship, research and publications. Formed in 1985 as the Center for Multicultural and Gender Studies, the center's foremost objective is to build a multicultural campus that promotes understanding of and appreciation for human difference. The center reflects an inclusive multicultural model where "culture" is broadly defined and multicultural education encompasses factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, class, disability and sexual orientation.

Functions of the Center

  • Foster and support scholarship, research and publications that promote campus cultural diversity.
  • Foster and support scholarship on women.
  • Promote and support the end of policies that unfairly disadvantage women and underrepresented populations.
  • Promote and support scholarship and research of underrepresented faculty.
  • Work in tandem with the Multicultural and Diversity Council for Social Justice, Affirmative Action Committee and the Multicultural Life Office to build a multicultural campus and improve the climate for diverse populations.
  • Work with academic departments as well as the Research and Sponsored Programs Office and the Faculty Development Center to promote cultural competence scholarship and research.
  • Organize scholarly conferences on diversity, multiculturalism, gender, transgender and inter-sexual issues.
  • Work with the Summer Institute for Infusing Diversity into the Curriculum.
  • Support and expand interdisciplinary minors in Asian/Middle Eastern Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin American Studies, Native American Studies and Women's Studies and courses addressing lesbian, gay and transgender issues.

Constituent Groups and Programs

Africana Studies

The African American Studies majors and minor are administered by the Africana Studies Department.

Asian/Middle Eastern Studies

The Asian/Middle Eastern studies minor is an interdisciplinary program designed to serve the needs of students majoring in any subject area who desire more knowledge regarding Asia, Middle Eastern and Asian American concerns. Administration of the Asian/Middle Eastern Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Intercultural and Gender Studies. For additional information go to Asian/Middle Eastern Studies Interdisciplinary Minor.

Jewish Studies

The Jewish Studies Program explores the cultural, historical and religious experiences of the Jewish people from their beginnings to the present. Administration of the Jewish Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the Jewish Studies Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Intercultural and Gender Studies. For additional information go to Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Minor.

Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies offers a minor designed to complement many academic majors. Students choosing the minor will study the history and cultural production of Latin Americans from the perspective of several disciplines. Administration of the Latin American Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the Latin American Studies Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Intercultural and Gender Studies. For additional information go to Latin American Studies Interdisciplinary Minor.

Native American Studies

The most recent interdisciplinary and multicultural studies program to be developed at SUNY Cortland, Native American Studies offers a minor designed to complement many academic majors. Students choosing this minor will study Native American cultures from the perspectives offered by several disciplines. Administration of the Native American Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the coordinator and the Native American Concerns Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Intercultural and Gender Studies. For additional information go to Native American Studies Interdisciplinary Program.

Women's Studies

The study of women, their challenges and their experiences was introduced in 1988 to the SUNY Cortland curriculum. With interdisciplinary courses in such areas as Africana studies, English, health and sociology, the women's studies minor is designed to complement all academic majors. Administration of the Women's Studies Program and advisement of its students are provided by the Women's Studies Committee, a subcommittee of the Center for Intercultural and Gender Studies. For additional information go to Women's Studies Interdisciplinary Minor.