2019-20 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2019-20 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Terminology Guide

Course Information

The number assigned to each course is the key to the level at which it is taught. SUNY Cortland uses the following numbering system to define the course numbers and section numbers.

Courses Numbers

100-199 courses generally designed for freshmen but may be appropriate for sophomores, usually an introductory or first course taught in a sequence within a discipline.

200-299 courses generally designed for sophomores but may be appropriate for freshmen, usually advancing in a progression as a second course which may require previous knowledge or training.

300-399 courses generally designed for juniors and seniors, but may also be appropriate for sophomores. Prerequisites are often required for this course level.

400-499 courses generally designed for juniors and seniors advancing well into upper division work with prerequisite knowledge base required.

500-599 courses are considered graduate courses but are designed for both graduate and highly motivated undergraduate students. This level of course work is open to juniors and seniors in good academic standing (cumulative grade point average of 2.0). Certain 500-level courses are for graduate students only.

600-699 courses are exclusively offered at the graduate level for graduate students only.

Section Numbers

A number following the course prefix and course number used to identify a specific day, time, location and instructor for a course.

000-009 section numbers indicate that the course has no restrictions and is open to all students.

400-499 section numbers indicate courses that are reserved for the Honors Program.

500-599 section numbers require special permission from the chair of the department offering the course.

600-699 section numbers are for that department's majors only or may be reserved for a special student cohort.

700-799 section numbers are reserved for students not in a particular major or discipline.

800-899 section numbers indicate courses that are a part of a "learning community" or special student cohort program.


Most courses beyond the introductory level require a degree of knowledge or preparation described by the prerequisites for the course. At SUNY Cortland the prerequisites indicate the level of preparation normally required for the course. In appropriate circumstances prerequisites may be waived. An equivalent course or courses taken elsewhere suffice, but questions regarding equivalency should be referred to the department offering the course.

Students who believe that courses they have taken meet the equivalency requirements may seek the consent of the chair of the department to waive the course prerequisites. When the phrase "consent of department" is used, permission from the department chair is required before students may enroll in the course.

Frequency of Course Offerings

Courses described in this catalog are offered according to the frequency code schedule listed below. The identifying code appears in the course description.

State University of New York College at Cortland reserves the right to cancel the offering of a scheduled course when any of these conditions prevail:

  1. Enrollment in the course is fewer than 10 persons. In cases where the canceled course is a graduation requirement for any of those enrolled in it, SUNY Cortland will afford affected students an alternative method of meeting the requirement.
  2. Because of a temporary vacancy no qualified instructor is available to teach the course.
  3. The cancellation is early enough to permit students to register in another course.

Courses to be offered in a particular semester are listed on the web on the Student Registration and Record Services page. The schedule of course offerings for the fall semester is available in mid-March, and the schedule of course offerings for the spring semester is available in mid-October.

Frequency Codes

Every semester
At least once per year
At least once every two years


Course Prefixes


Prefix Title Department or Program Center
AAS African American Studies Africana Studies
AED Adolescence Education Teacher Certification Programs in Related Disciplines
AFS Air Force - ROTC ROTC at Cornell University
ANT Anthropology Sociology-Anthropology
ARA Arabic Modern Languages
ASL American Sign Language Modern Languages
AST Asian/Middle Eastern Studies Interdisciplinary
ATH Art History Art and Art History
ATR Athletic Training Kinesiology
ATS Studio Art Art and Art History
ATT Art Theory Art and Art History
BIO Biology Biological Sciences
BMS Biomedical Sciences Biological Sciences
CAP Computer Applications Computer Applications
CHE Chemistry Chemistry
CHI Chinese Modern Languages
CIN Cinema Study Cinema Study
COM Communication Studies Communication and Media Studies
CON Conservation Biology Biological Sciences
CPN Composition English/Composition
CPV Cooperative Education Interdisciplinary/Field Studies
CRM Criminology Sociology/Anthropology
DNC Dance Performing Arts
ECE Early Childhood Education Childhood/Early Childhood Education
ECO Economics Economics
EDL Education Leadership Educational Leadership
EDU Education Childhood/Early Childhood Education
ENG English English
ENS Environmental Science Environmental Science/Biology
ESL English as a Second Language Modern Languages
EST Environmental Studies Environmental Studies
EXS Exercise Science Kinesiology
FLT Foreign Literature in Translation Modern Languages
FRE French Modern Languages
FSA Foundations and Social Advocacy Foundations and Social Advocacy
GER German Modern Languages
GLY Geology Geology
GRY Geography Geography
HIS History History
HLH Health Health
HUS Human Service Studies Health
ICC International Communications and Culture Modern Languages
INT Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Program
IST International Studies International Studies
ITA Italian Modern Languages
JST Jewish Studies Jewish Studies
LIT Literacy Literacy
MAT Mathematics Mathematics
MCS Computer Science Mathematics
MGS Multicultural and Gender Studies Interdisciplinary Program
MGT Management Economics
MLS Military Science - ROTC ROTC at Cornell University
MUS Music Performing Arts
PED Physical Education Physical Education
PHI Philosophy Philosophy
PHY Physics Physics
POL Political Science Political Science
PSY Psychology Psychology
REC Recreation Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies
RLS Religious Studies Interdisciplinary
SAB Study Abroad Study Abroad, International Programs
SCI Science, General Science, General
SHH Speech Hearing-Handicapped Communication Disorders and Sciences
SOC Sociology Sociology/Anthropology
SPA Spanish Modern Languages
SPE Special Education Foundations and Social Advocacy
SPM Sport Management Sport Management
THT Theatre Performing Arts
WGS Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Degrees, Programs of Study and Program Codes

Degrees awarded: Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.), Master of Science (M.S.), Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.) and Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.). A Certificate of Advanced Study (C.A.S.) also is awarded.

All majors offered by SUNY Cortland are listed on the Inventory of Registered Degree and Certification Programs maintained by the New York State Education Department. The number assigned to each major is referred to as the Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) Code. This table may not represent all concentrations offered at SUNY Cortland. For more information, contact New York State Education Department, Office of Higher Education and the Professions, Cultural Education Center, Room 5B28, Albany, N.Y. 12230.

Access the 2019-20 program code listing on the Student Registration and Record Services website, or view the major program codes (PDF) .