2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Anthropology/Sociology Department


Cornish Hall, Room D-311
(607) 753-2726


Arts and Sciences


Richard Kendrick (Chair), Jamie Dangler, Julia Ganson, Herbert Haines, Stephen Halebsky, Kassim Kone, Craig Little, Ellis McDowell-Loudan, William Skipper, John R. Sosa, Sharon Steadman, Stuart Traub, Anne Vittoria, Mark Worrell, Tiantian Zheng

Adjunct Faculty

For a listing of adjunct faculty see the Faculty and Administration section.

Programs Offered

Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Bachelor of Arts in Adolescence Education: Social Studies and Anthropology (7-12)

Majors Offered

Adolescence Education: Social Studies and Anthropology (7-12)

Concentrations Offered

Americas Archaeology
Applied Anthropology
Ethnic Studies
World Archaeology

Minors Offered



Anthropology majors will be introduced to the various anthropological fields including archaeology, physical or biological anthropology and linguistic and cultural anthropology. Students have the option of concentrating in applied anthropology, Americas or world archaeology or ethnic studies. Whether or not a concentration is chosen, students will complete a program that provides them with a solid basis for understanding the field of anthropology in general, as well as the human cultural systems of the past and present world. There is also an anthropology minor which is particularly suitable for those interested in the teaching professions (elementary education and secondary social studies majors) who must be prepared for the multicultural classrooms of today’s schools. Students who are interested in teaching may combine study in the anthropology major with professional courses leading to a qualification for initial certification in adolescence social studies (grades 7-12).

Special Features

  • Hands-on work with objects in the in-house Brooks Museum and Lee Beam Collection and with material from archaeological excavations
  • Archaeological fieldwork opportunities and possible paid work after ANT 400 participation
  • Archaeological/ethnographic fieldwork opportunities outside the U.S.
  • Anthropology Honors Program
  • Student Referral Program
  • Internships
  • Teaching certification for adolescence social studies


  1. Degree Requirements listed here apply to all anthropology majors.
  2. Liberal Arts Requirements – 90 credit hours


I. Major

II. Concentration

III. Dual Major

IV. Minor
